UX instructor at University of Washington’s HCDE Master’s degree program
2021 - present
I care deeply about giving back to the UX community. As such, I have been an instructor for courses at my alma mater, University of Washington since 2021 covering the following courses:
Speaking engagements
Talk: “Costing UX Research: Planning Research, Cost to the Business, and Delivering Impact”
Kathryn Brookshier at internal Indeed UX Research lightning conference.
Talk: “Best Practices for Remote UX Research”
Talk summary
Kathryn Brookshier at Puget Sound SIGCHI in Seattle, WA.
Talk: “Using Blueprint Fidelity to Focus Teams on Impactful Ideas”
Talk summary
Kathryn Brookshier and Kira Cassels at UXRConf Anywhere. Hosted virtually due to COVID-19.
Panel moderator: “Virtual UX Round Tables: Portfolio & Career Support”
Moderator for Puget Sound SIGCHI event with UX hiring managers and a UX recruiter. Hosted in virtually due to COVID-19.
Panelist: “Inside Indeed UX” in collaboration with Women in Informatics
Panelist representing UX research at Indeed, for local University of Washington students. Hosted in Seattle, Washington.
Panel moderator: “Behind the scenes with the Indeed UX Team”
Moderator for Ladies that UX panel event with 6 of my amazing UX coworkers. Hosted in Seattle, Washington.
Panel moderator: “Demystifying UX Contract Work”
Moderator for Puget Sound SIGCHI’s panel event. Hosted in Seattle, Washington.
Talk: "Skip the Actionable Insight: Get Straight to the Action"
Kathryn Brookshier, Indeed’s internal UX Research Summit. Hosted in Austin, Texas.
Talk: "Skip the Actionable Insight: Get Straight to the Action"
Talk summary
Kathryn Brookshier, Jennifer Giblin and Veronika Sipeeva at Radical Research Summit. Hosted in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Workshop: "Designing with the User in Mind: An Introduction to Human-centered Design"
Co-facilitator with Rebecca Destello and Justin Marx the the T.I.D.E. conference at InfoComm. Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Medium publications
Articles have collectively received over 400,000 views.
UX focused
How UX Job Markets are Changing in Canada, Australia, Ireland and the UK
UX Research Job Posting Show the Discipline is Here to Stay ✨ popular
UX Job Listings Have Plunged in 2023 ✨ popular
How Indeed Established a Major UX Research Org in Just a Few Years ✨ popular
Method vs. methodology: understanding the difference ✨ popular
The silent critique: improving the quality of UX deliverables