UX instructor at University of Washington’s HCDE Master’s degree program

2021 - present

I care deeply about giving back to the UX community. As such, I have been an instructor for courses at my alma mater, University of Washington since 2021 covering the following courses:


Speaking engagements


Talk: “Costing UX Research: Planning Research, Cost to the Business, and Delivering Impact”

Kathryn Brookshier at internal Indeed UX Research lightning conference.



Talk: “Best Practices for Remote UX Research”

Talk summary
Kathryn Brookshier at Puget Sound SIGCHI in Seattle, WA.



Talk: “Using Blueprint Fidelity to Focus Teams on Impactful Ideas”

Talk summary
Kathryn Brookshier and Kira Cassels at UXRConf Anywhere. Hosted virtually due to COVID-19.


Panel moderator: “Virtual UX Round Tables: Portfolio & Career Support”

Moderator for Puget Sound SIGCHI event with UX hiring managers and a UX recruiter. Hosted in virtually due to COVID-19.

Panelist: “Inside Indeed UX” in collaboration with Women in Informatics

Panelist representing UX research at Indeed, for local University of Washington students. Hosted in Seattle, Washington.


Panel moderator: “Behind the scenes with the Indeed UX Team”

Moderator for Ladies that UX panel event with 6 of my amazing UX coworkers. Hosted in Seattle, Washington.

Panel moderator: “Demystifying UX Contract Work”

Moderator for Puget Sound SIGCHI’s panel event. Hosted in Seattle, Washington.

Talk: "Skip the Actionable Insight: Get Straight to the Action"

Kathryn Brookshier, Indeed’s internal UX Research Summit. Hosted in Austin, Texas.


Talk: "Skip the Actionable Insight: Get Straight to the Action"

Talk summary
Kathryn Brookshier, Jennifer Giblin and Veronika Sipeeva at Radical Research Summit. Hosted in Vancouver, British Columbia.



Workshop: "Designing with the User in Mind: An Introduction to Human-centered Design"

Co-facilitator with Rebecca Destello and Justin Marx the the T.I.D.E. conference at InfoComm. Hosted in Las Vegas, Nevada.